Friday, April 30, 2021

Do it Fully...

Turns out I was correct. There is so much to worry about, might as well not worry about anything. Yes. Easier said than done. It's up to us to do what we will do. Hopefully, we do everything we do with all we have: heart, head, soul. Taking a running jump into the sea and damn the torpedos.  That's the best way to live, to do it fully, with clarity and intention.

So we run the Universe. It seems like it only runs one way, but every moment is a pivot point, every decision is decisive. Our lives, our decisions hang in the air, in the moment, and we rely upon probabilities and random chance.  Which way will the cookie crumble? Sometimes it all feels like destiny & fate.

So my favorite saying lately: "Whatever is gonna happen, is gonna happen. Whatever isn't gonna happen, isn't gonna happen."

And that's OK. I mean, basically, it has to be. And why not?