Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Community of Immunity...

Yes. There is life after your 2nd Moderna vaccine shot. I am here to testify, to tell the tale (see previous 4 posts). Feeling alive, lively, renewed, & refreshed this a.m. A new man. I am one of many who now have been fully vaccinated* (*actually, that's incorrect and a bit optimistic, I am on the road to fully-vaccinated, the CDC says two weeks after the 2nd shot you are full metal jacket!), against the Covid-19 virus. It seems significant, and in a small way, sort of momentous. A bit strange too. 

The last year has been a long, hunkered-down waiting game, we were doing our best to avoid infection, hoping to get to the vaccine before we got sick. We are not geniuses, we didn't do anything super-human, we just listened to the experts, we trusted the science, and the medical community. We were lucky too. Lucky to be able to hunker down and somehow defy gravity. We made it financially (all just smoke & mirrors, luck & pluck).We trusted the concept of vaccinations, we tuned out the naysayers, the disinformation, the noise and all the idiocy.

We are no longer part of the problem of the pandemic, we are in the ranks of the solution. The new community of immunity.  

We are god-smacked that anyone is resisting, or in denial, or actively spreading lies about vaccines & science.  It seems incredible folks can ignore so much death and sickness. Folks who lack imagination, who refuse to face the reality staring them dead in the eyes.

What is it that is blinding folks? Religion. Politics. Idiocy. Madness. I mean, how stupid can stupid be? Pretty damn stupid. 

So this is all a double-lesson. 

On the one hand: Human beings are incredibly resourceful, resilient, intelligent, caring, hopeful, willing to roll their sleeves up to join together, to face a crisis, to work for a common goal, to meet the challenge of a world-wide threat from a deadly, contagious, virus.

On the other hand: Human Beings can be so willfully blind, selfish, ignorant, uncaring, cynical, unwilling to lift a finger to protect others, lazy, unwilling to see the truth threatening their own life and their own pursuit of happiness.

What is it to be a Human Being? Such a strange, contradictory, tricky, unreliable and unpredictable creature.