Sunday, March 28, 2021

Think for Yourself - Scary!

Think for yourself. I know, it's a super-dangerous thing. 

Right: A mind is a terrible thing to waste. 

We all have brains of various capabilities. We are using them all the time. Best to use them wisely. Of course, we need to cultivate them, help them grow, fill them with knowledge, experience, music, poetry, art, politics, day to day events.

We should read the great authors and playwrights. Listen to all the great, and not so great, music. Classical, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Country, World. I mean. Whatever. Listen to the opinions and arguments of the day. Read Philosophy. Study all the major religions. Pick and choose the things that resonate with you. Make up your mind.

Do not submit your mind to any State or a Religion. Your mind is bigger than any form of government, and any organized Religion. Don't let people tell you who or what God is. Or even if there really is a God. That's up to you.

You can believe in things. But best to keep those things lofty and abstract: Goodness, Love, Democracy, Hope, Vegetarianism. Or super-mundane and practical: One step, one breath, one thought, at a time.

I know. This could all be quite confusing, contradictory, basically leaving you out to sea. That's part of it. No easy answers, lots of questions, always seeking and questing. Grabbing onto life-rafts. That's life.

Feeding your brain, cultivating your mind, is the task at hand. Its like tending a garden. You must feed it and care for it with intelligence and determination. Yes, it's an incredible responsibility. I mean, thinking for yourself, yikes.  It's kind of scary. No one can help you. You are pretty much on your own, with only an enormously grand Universe stuffed with amazing, incomprehensible and splendiferous phenomena to astonish, influence and guide you.  Have at it people!