Sunday, March 21, 2021


I think it's true, and I don't mean to minimize the syndrome, but, I believe, in a way, all of us, collectively are experiencing various levels of PTSD.  This has been a working theory of mine for a long time.  

I mean, at least, if you are paying attention, you plug into the media-scape, you have, on a daily basis:  "experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, war/combat, or rape or who have been threatened with death, sexual violence or serious injury."

Yes. Every day. That's just the daily news. Life in our 24/7 always raging media-scape is traumatic. No doubt.

Add to that 4 years of the Toxic Gaseous Dirigible's "daily hate & outrage," AND a raging global pandemic where a little virus threatens us all, and well, we swim in a toxic, combustible stew of events, worries and fears. 

A virus has made us aware that every breath we take holds danger. Disease and Death are in the air, alive in our fellow humans. Every encounter is a potential life-changer. Yikes.

Amazing we can hold it together. Are we holding it together? Yes, I think so. Some of us, barely, one step and one breath (masked of course), at a time.