Sunday, March 14, 2021

More and More Sensitive...

We jumped forward an hour here in the Heartland. Just a reminder that  time is always ticking away, also time is arbitrary, fungible, relative, and sort of illusory. The days lately have been ticking away slowly, but the weeks, months and years seem to fly by. Go figure.

Feeling pretty transparent, lately. 

Open. Wide open. 

Living lightly. Sensitive to everything. As I grow older, seems I am less "set in my ways," and instead, much more flexible, fungible, permeable, enthusiastic, moody, changeable, easily persuaded, easily moved, easily influenced, so open to new ways of seeing & thinking. So persuadable. So open to changing my mind. Less sure of myself, and more open to wondering.

Funny, that isn't the way I thought I would go, but it does seem to be the way I am going...