Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Modern Gothic Fiction...

I read about the 2021 "Spring Breakers" debauching in Florida and immediately flashed on Edgar Allan Poe's gothic fiction "The Masque of the Red Death" (1842).

Spring break in the shadow of Covid-19.

What is driving those hordes of young people? Raging hormones in the midst of a raging global pandemic. A potent combination, leading to sickness and death.

I marvel at the folly of my fellow human beings. What are they thinking? Maybe there really isn't a lot of thinking going on up in the cranial cavity? There is the need to party. The need to drink, and to drug to excess. The need to dance, to flirt, to engage in promiscuous sexual activity.

The body leads and the mind follows.  I can remember those early years where my body was a raging, throbbing thing. Yikes. Youth, it's a gift and a curse.

So in the modern telling of the tale: No masks. No social/physical distancing. Lots of close contact and touching. And the virus, yes, the virus outside,  in the air, passed from one breath to another. It circulates willy-nilly. Multiplying. Infecting. Inhabiting. Growing. It's alive on the beach, in the hotels, on the dance floor, in a crowd. Spring Breakers, the young and the beautiful, the latest zombie horde, spreading the virus, bringing it to their friends, their parents, their grandparents, yes, indeed, bringing it to a town and a cinema, near you.