Thursday, March 18, 2021


Worries. Doubts. Concerns. Fears. Regrets.

Yes. Like the famous Sinatra song says: "I've had a few."

If you are paying attention, alive, aware, awake, it's hard to see how you could NOT be a frazzled mess filled with all the detritus of a well-lived life, once in awhile. Yes. It happens to me. I think I'm managing my life, my day to day existence, and then the slow train of doom & gloom comes hurtling down the track. WHAM! Electrified with extraneous shit. 

That's life, Baby. You clear your head, you clear the deck, and the Universe comes crashing in like an unwelcome guest. You just have to deal.

How to un-frazzle? 

Best I can figure: live in the moment. Simplify. Take stock in what you have right now. Two eyes, two ears, the requisite number of fingers & toes. Don't think too far ahead, or too far behind. I look to the basic things: good coffee brew, good music, a good book, good conversation, good meditation. A few people you can call a "friend."

Don't expect too much. It's fine to dream, to wonder, to explore, to imagine. But take it all as it comes. "What will happen, will happen, when it happens." Or not. No sense in worrying about the things you have no control over.  And you know, seems most things you have no control over.