Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Don't Jump...

Don't jump to conclusions.

I don't remember where I got this advice. But it's good advice, Dear Pilgrim. You will notice some folks you hang with are always jumping to conclusions. It's a way of shutting down the conversation, a way of limiting the future, a way of closing doors, stopping the flow, killing the imagination. 

And guess what?!

The Universe is bigger, more complicated, more entertaining, more intelligent, and more mysterious than your paltry conclusions.

Better to keep your mind open, to cultivate your sense of wonder, to keep your eyes peeled, your ears attentive, your mind, nimble and willing to accept new information. Keep the game going. You may be surprised, you may be proven wrong, you may find out something you didn't know.

Don't jump. Stop. Smell the roses. See the day. Seize the day. Who knows what can happen? Every day is "anything can happen day."