Friday, March 12, 2021

A Pitch-Perfect Speech...

President Joe speaks to the nation. 

We listened to the speech last night via the radio. There is something so immediate, less distracting, more honest, more compelling, about listening to the words transmitted across the airwaves directly into our ears. Better than the video-based, over-saturated, media-scape, chattering, Tower of Babel, we all live in 24/7. Highly recommended.

What of the speech? Perfect. Of the moment. President Joe meets his Destiny. He seizes his destiny. He is the right man for this moment. It is no accident that President Joe is President at this particular moment in the history of USA. What does President Joe offer? Empathy. Compassion. Truth. Responsibility. Competence.

It was bit of a pep talk. Dare I say, a bit Lombardi-esque?  He talked about doing the hard things, the serious things, the essential things. I think you have to reach all the way back to FDR to get where President Joe is coming from. Fatherly, Grandfatherly. The voice of reason. A voice telling us that if we all work together we can do great things. America is made for this moment. Our country can be a leader, a shining example in the battle against the Raging Global Pandemic. 

What of the cynics? The nay-sayers, the loud voices, the folks who want to cast stones, who don't want to play along? We decided to tune them out. We didn't listen to the play by play after. We don't care what the pundits have to say. We throw our lot in with the folks ready to roll up their sleeves and to work together to create a better union.

President Joe laid out the case. He spoke Truth to the moment. It was inspiring. Life-affirming. Just the right words, conveyed the right way. Exactly the medicine we need right now. Pitch-perfect.