Saturday, January 30, 2021

To Create, To Play, Always...

I just finished reading this wonderful little book. I wrote TWO songs during the time I cracked this book open. So, yes, it really clicks! It is a great book. It's about more than writing a song, it's also about the  creative enterprise, it's a "how-to"manual for tapping into, and unleashing, your own creativity in many realms.

Just about every line in this book totally resonated with me. I mean, Jeff, basically wrote down and lives, my personal manifesto of creativity. I too believe that we are all creative souls. Some of us are better at getting in touch with that creativity than others, but all of us have the ability. This book reveals some tricks and disciplines, that helps us get to that sacred creative space.

Jeff reminds us this isn't an "ego thing." It's about dropping the ego, trying to fool yourself, to bypass your critical, judging mind, trying to "get out of the way," and cultivating a mind-set of pure fun, discovery, and play. This book is pretty much aligned with my own creative credo. I realize I have been doing many of the things Jeff has honed as a "process" that works for him. I came to these same realizations by trial, error and accident.

It is so validating. Brilliant too.

Jeff Tweedy is an incredibly accomplished songwriter. Prolific. Disciplined. Dedicated. He has an incredible work ethic. The evidence? Check out the incredible Wilco discography, also his solo records and his recording with his son as the band Tweedy. Amazing. Overwhelming. Just a fabulous body of work. I get so much pleasure from this man's creativity.

Jeff also is hilarious. This is a fun book. Important too. Everyone should tap into their creative selves. It will make you a better, happier, more well-rounded human being. And the more people in touch with their creativity, the better it will be for the planet too. So, yes, this is the good, necessary, soulful & inspiring work. No doubt. 

The key, the mission, the dream: To create, to play, always...