Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Beautiful Way of Living...


It is all around us. It is in every shaft of light, it's in the air, it's in every molecule, every particle, every wave, in every grain of sand, every raindrop, every snowflake, every breath we take. I think we greatly underrate beauty, we seriously take it for granted. It is so ubiquitous, at times it almost becomes invisible. Sometimes we don't even perceive it.  We are seriously lost when we lose touch with the beauty in all things. 

We can cultivate beauty by surrounding ourselves with beautiful things, beautiful people, beautiful thoughts, actions, words and deeds. Beautiful sounds. Beautiful vibrations. It isn't hard to do. All it takes is an open mind, deciding to be a being open to the reality of the beautiful.

A cleansing of our senses five.  Clear seeing. Clear hearing. Clear tasting. Clear smelling. Clear touching. 


We can see the beautiful in the " things" ugly too. It is all just a "way of seeing," a tuning in to a certain frequency. The beauty frequency. Maybe the Universe is a wide-spectrum channel of beauty? I think once we open ourselves to the beautiful, we are transformed and the Universe is transformed too.

Once we see the beauty in all things, there is no retreat, no going back. We must seek it out. Celebrate it. Luxuriate in it. We must totally submerge and live with the embedded, integrated knowledge and reality of the beautiful in all things.  

It's almost like a God-like thing to do.  But of course, we, as human beings are too fallible, too fragile, too arbitrary, tentative, unknowing, and ephemeral to pretend to be Gods. We are left with being witnesses, appreciators, and cultivators,  of beauty. That's a worthy enterprise.