Thursday, January 28, 2021

Random Access Memory in Action...

Yes. Some random thoughts...

1. These two words, emanating from my radio in the a.m, "President Biden," just sound so good, hopeful, wholesome. Kind of puts a different spin on the day.

2. The last President we had, quoting the former head of the FBI, was "a very bad man." Good riddance. 

3. Sleep during the pandemic: rolling & tumbling, hurly-burly in action, a flurry of concentrated moves, an elaborate dance with pillows and blankets, not exactly restful, more of an adventure between the covers. The bed in the morning looks like a war-zone. 

4. Covid Dreams: In one dream, I am the only soul on the planet wearing a mask.  Odd Human Being out. In another dream, I am the only soul not wearing a mask.  Sort of like being naked at the pool party. 

5. The pandemic has stripped us down to the essentials. Not just what's important, but what's pandemic important: Sleeping. Walking. Talking. Eating. Listening to music. Playing music. Reading. Thinking. Laughing. Dreaming. Crying. Streaming. Wondering. 

6. A good pair of headphones can make ALL the difference in the world. Yesterday, I listened to some records, I mean two of my all-time favorite records, that I have heard many, many (uncountable) times, with my companion's Grado Labs Prestige Series 80 headphones.  This was a REVELATION! I listened to two Rolling Stones records: "Goats Head Soup," (1973) & "Exile on Main Street." (1972). I listened to the Virgin Remasters, by the sonic mastering wizard Bob Ludwig. Amazing to discover that with the Grados there was another layer of sonic texture. I even heard a guitar part and a horn part, buried in the mix, that I never heard before. Wow. Subtle. Exquisite. Sonic wonder. Total knockout! It was sort of like having a new set of ears. Yes. Grado Labs headphones, recommended!