Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Dreaming the Dream...


USA. Born in the USA. It's a mixed blessing. The country was founded on two great human abominations: slavery & genocide. We must never forget. It is built into our DNA. But this little democratic experiment is open-ended, and capable of embracing change. We are an adaptable country. A great melting pot, a rainbow coalition of human color & creed. Yes. There are deep divisions. Lots of disagreements. Folks don't always see eye to eye, but so many of us are willing to roll up our sleeves and work on a better union. Dream a new Dream.

That flag is from one of my favorite artists, Jasper Johns, and is one of his most iconic works. Feeling pretty happy this a.m. It looks like the Democrats have won control of the U.S. Senate (actually it is now a 50 vs 50 tie, with VP Kamala Harris being the deciding 51st vote), they have won the two seats that were  up for a run-off in Georgia. So fabulous. That means that the Democrats will now control the Presidency, the Senate and the House as of January 20, 2021. 

It is a great way to leave the Trump era behind. The Trump-crazies are fighting the cops in the streets, the rest of us can start dreaming of better days, of a more progressive, more inclusive, more democratic America. The Dream is alive. 

I am especially gratified to hear that Raphael Warnock has won a Senate seat. He grew up in public housing in Georgia. He is a pastor at the historic, Ebenezer Baptist Church, the same church where Martin Luther King Jr. preached.

Amazing. What an amazing American story. A progressive Black man serving as Senator from one of the original slave-holding states of the Confederacy. Such a beautiful, healing journey. Yes. Democracy is messy, difficult, and certainly not perfect, but it is a mechanism for change and progress. Feeling so happy, grateful, and hopeful this a.m.

Sometimes things really do work out. I mean, now the hard work begins.