Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Democracy in Action...

These calls for "healing & unity" from some in the GOP is pretty rich. You know, the folks who lied to their constituents about the results of a free and fair election and those who did all they could to try to overturn & "decertify" it? Trumpers lost over 60 cases in court trying to nullify votes. They lost. Over and over. Epic failure.

Those folks failed America. They failed Democracy. This is so basic. The candidate with the most votes wins. Biden won by a sizable margin in both the Popular and Electoral College vote. Simple math. Simple logic. Common sense.

Those "crazy Trumpers" need to grow up. Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you lose big. That's just the way Democracy works. You don't like it? Find candidates, back a party, that offers policies that can attract a majority of voters.

Healing and Unity? Hah! TRUTH AND JUSTICE FIRST!

Accountability & the rule of law.  If someone incites a violent mob, a white supremacist insurrection, and that mob attacks the Capitol building in D.C. (people died!),  with the intent of disrupting and stopping the certification of a free & fair election in USA, expect some pretty heavy legal consequences for all.  

Sure, once the perpetrators are hunted down, jailed, charged and convicted, we can move forward with arms linked singing "Kumbaya." But let's let the long arm of the law reach out and touch those insurrectionists first. Just seems the smart and logical way forward.

And yes, of course, our Toxic Little Baby Man Dirigible should be impeached, removed from office and charged with high crimes and misdemeanors. It's the only "American" thing to do.

Words and actions do have consequences. Anyone defending that "mob inciter" and that "violent mob" are anti-democratic, anti-America, anti-patriots. 

Come on people. This is elementary shit. It's simple, easy to follow along. Didn't you take civics in school? Rule of law. American Constitution. Democracy in action.

The a.m soundtrack - The Velvet Underground (1969). No John Cale or Nico on this one. Lou Reed was notoriously difficult to work with. Lou is in full control here. Melodic. Beautiful. Some of Lou Reed's finest songwriting including the gorgeous "Pale Blue Eyes." Put on your dark shades this morning and dig New York r&r at it's elementally beautiful best. Superb. Influential.