Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Water: Good Role Model

Watching the ducks in the pond...

The little ones seem to follow & emulate the big ones.

It's the same with our little birdies at home. They all seem to watch each other, and pick up habits from each other. One of them (Little Edie our colorful little budgie), is an amazing mimic.  She has learned the calls and tweets and twitters, and squawks of our other birdies in the flock, and can do an inspiring impression of each of them. Edie is a "live wire," a shit-stirrer, unafraid of anything.  Hell, she will even stand up to the humans. Fearless.

The birds outside and inside remind me that we all need "role models." No doubt. There are beings in the animal kingdom that provide excellent examples. I have known some amazing dogs and cats and turtles too; little creatures who have shown great patience, loyalty, enthusiasm, joy, consistency, honor, and judgement.

What of humans? Other human beings? It all gets a bit trickier. We learn so much from each other; Parents, Teachers, Friends. But I think it's smart to resist putting human beings on any kind of pedestal. Human Beings are complicated, contradictory, hard to pin down. Maybe admirable in one realm, and not so admirable in another. I mean, it's hard to know. My favorite Humans are a bit like our very own Little Edie.

How about Lao Tzu ? Yes. An old wise man, now long dead, now maybe that's a role model you can count on? What does Lao Tzu recommend? Be like Water!

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” - Lao Tzu