Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Crazy Shit...

The crazy shit my fellow Americans believe...

I listened to NPR this a.m. It is my trusted news source. Reporters who report. Pretty simple. They don't always tell me what I want to hear, often I hear disturbing, distressing, confounding & tragic news. That's the news biz. And well, in a sense that is life.

My job, I think, is to try to see the world as it is. Not as I'd wish it to be.  I mean, I can wish, I can conjure and imagine other realities, but, the smart thing is to live in the reality as it is. I think, if we can see the world as it is, we have a chance at making it a better place for all. At least, that's the "progressive" idea that I identify with.

First see clearly. Then act.

So yes, I try to get to common sense, gravity, truth, facts.  I reject grand conspiracy theories that conform to my own biases. At least, I try to as best I can. We know that we all have biases. I do my best to work around them. It seems like the smart way to live. Maybe takes a bit of extra energy, trying to sort out what I think I know, and what I really know, and what is really happening in the world. It is something I work at.

So, NPR reported on a poll that revealed the absolute crazy-shit Americans believe. Insane. I mean, not pretty. My response:

No. I don't think the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen. It is clear that Joe Biden won the vote fair and square. 
No. I don't think there is a Deep State Conspiracy that sabotaged Trump. He is clearly his own kind of toxically-corrupt Idiot, his failures are truly his own.
No. I don't think that the Chinese created Covid-19 in a lab. It's pretty obvious, and science confirms, we can blame nature and human destruction of the ecosystem for this raging pandemic.
No.  I don't think Covid-19 is just like a cold. It is truly deadly and contagious. The death toll worldwide is staggering. 
No. Encouraging folks to wear masks and social-distance are not commie plots meant to erode our freedoms. They are common-sense precautions to stay healthy & safe.
No. The coming vaccine is not a plot hatched by George Soros and Bill Gates. The vaccine is not just some money-making scam. They won't be injecting tracking devices into our bloodstreams. The vaccine really is a best effort to try to eradicate the virus.
No. The U.S. government is not run by a wide-ranging cabal of Satanists who sacrifice and eat babies... hmmm, I mean... at least I don't think so... I mean, hmmm... that's truly, freaking, major-league, totally bat-shit, cray-cray, right?!