Sunday, December 06, 2020

Snappy Questions Without Snappy Answers...

This morning's fundamental question:

How do we think, right, I mean, how do we think correctly?!

How do we know what we think is the case? 

How do we know our brains are working correctly? How do we know the words we use accurately reflect the world, and the reality that surrounds us? How do we know our thoughts are coherent, and make sense, are logical and rational?

How do we know what we know is what is? Really?

Maybe we can check in with the Universe: Do the thoughts in our heads match up with what we find in the world? Do our thoughts appear to verify what we see, feel, smell in the world? Does gravity still seem to work? Does the sun rise in the morning? Does 2+2 still = 4? Do we cast a shadow? Do we see ourselves in a mirror (reversed, of course)?

It's tricky, the human thing. We are bound by our brains and bodies. Trusting our senses five, and trusting that our brains are working, and that all of our perceptions are valid, and that our thought processes aren't clouded, or deluded, or on some bat-shit crazy escapade.

How do we know we are sane, and not insane? Do we rely on other people to make that call?

Too hard for me to parse this a.m. Questions this morning, not answers. What's that philosophical maxim? "I think, therefore I am." Is that enough? I don't know. It's a start. It will have to do.

Too much thinking makes the baby go blind... ha!