Sunday, November 22, 2020

Reality is Here...

Beware the "con."

I fight to resist the temptation to engage the crazies. There really is nothing to be gained by trying to refute insane conspiracy theories floated by the right-wing noise machine. It's sort of like wrestling with an enthusiastic and thoroughly-muddy pig. You will be SLIMED. 

I go back to the basics:

Gravity still rules.
Simple math still works: 1+1 = 2

Democracy = Every Vote Counts.
Candidates with the most votes win.

Of course, there is an asterisk *. The Popular Vote and the Electoral College Vote (a relic from our Slave-Holding days), sometimes don't match up (see Hilary Clinton's 3 million popular vote win in 2016). It's either a quirk or a deadly flaw in our Democratic System. Sometimes, unfortunately, the Popular Vote Loser can take office (see 4 yrs of the Toxic Trump). 

It's heartbreaking when it seems the will of the people is thwarted, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

This year, Biden/Harris are ahead in the vote count by more than 6 million votes (some outstanding mail-in ballots are still being counted). And they have votes in the right numbers, in all the necessary swing states, to take the Electoral College. Joe Biden & Kamala Harris will be  sworn into office on January 20, 2021.

Common sense.

These are all excellent tools that we can use as guides to navigate thru the darkness and madness. 

None of this is complicated. All that crazy-making noise, all that shouting and pounding on the table is just a sideshow. I mean, really, it's all a not-very-entertaining-shit-show.

As my favorite ex-President, Barack Obama likes to say: "Reality has a way of catching up to you."

Exactly. Reality is here. Those who have been conned, those who desperately want to believe in the con, those caught in the right-wing-nutzo-noise-machine, are the mischief-makers, the fools, the saps, the gullible dumb-shits, amongst us. We must do our best to ignore them. There is much difficult work ahead for all the good people of conscience...