Monday, October 26, 2020

Real & Unreal...

My radio speaks to me often. You'll be happy to know that it is turned on and tuned in. Radio-waves. Sometimes words float into my head and resonate. This morning I hear a female voice say:

"It's getting real out there."

Yes. No doubt. 

I think she may have been referring to the expected raw conditions of the day: low temps, clouds, cold rain, maybe even some snow flurries. Oh yeah, and, of course, left unsaid, the nasty, contagious virus is spiking around here.

But you know I take the words to heart. That "real-ness" resonates on all levels: existential, psychological, philosophical, physical, social, political, etc. 

And I think to myself: "How much real-ness can I handle?" And at the same time, alternatively: "How much un-real-ness can I handle?" 

I suppose I will find out. And, I mean, you know, I think we all will find out too. It's that kind of universe.