Sunday, October 11, 2020

Let's Get Rid of the Toxic Clown Prez, and Move the Fuck On...


Yes. Listen to the wisdom of The Fly.  Let's vote the Super-Spreader in the W.H. out. Can you imagine the great healing for us all, if on November 3rd, Biden/Harris win in a popular vote and electoral college landslide? It is possible. For sure.

I am not afraid to float this idea. I mean, so many of my friends are afraid to voice it. We are all still in shock from the debacle of 2016. But, really, I think it's important to envision it; dare to say it. I mean, of course, let's not take anything for granted. Everyone needs to vote. And encourage our friends to vote too. 

Yes. Let Love Rule. Yes. Blue Wave 2020. Yes. Biden/Harris. Come on America. We deserve a new deal.  Let's get rid of the Toxic Clown and move the fuck on...