Monday, September 28, 2020

Yes. We Always Knew...

Turns out, of course that he's a complete fraud. He's been losing money for years. No wonder he's seems so desperate to be friends with powerful, monied folks like Vladimir Putin. Talk about a national security risk. Anyway, I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, our little Toxic Clown Prez. A "fake billionaire." He is an epic loser, and a con-man. Deeply in debt. Most of us suspected this a long time ago. It was totally breath-taking to watch the MAGA crowd make him out to be some kind of genius and savior. A total joke. He pretended to be a successful, powerful man on TV. It was all pretend. A charade. A con. Hard to believe anyone fell for it. And now it's been almost 4 years of him pretending to be President. I think we have all had enough. Turns out if you "elect" (or if he sneaks in because of a quirk of the Electoral College), a fraud and conman to run your government, you are basically totally fucked... who knew? Pretty much most of us...