Friday, September 25, 2020

The Fall...

Fall in the Heartland
Daylight is slowly shrinking
Dark early to Dark early

Pandemic 2020 is as strong
and deadly as ever 
now bracketed by darkness

All the news is bad
all my friends and relations 
near & far
are freaking out

(of course, I'm freaking out too,
working hard, doing my best 
to stay calm and clear-headed)

Anyone paying attention
is in crisis
too much bad news
too much ugliness
too much 

The Loud, Fat, Toxic, Clown Prez
is chattering away ceaselessly

Expect the Ignorant, Crazy, Desperate
Creep to continue to say Ignorant,
Crazy, Desperate Shit from now til,
well, probably until he croaks

We need to keep our heads
cooler heads are required
take in the news in small doses

It's OK to tune out
to seek
shelter & silence, to indulge 
in the fleeting pleasures of Life

Of course, Vote, encourage your
friends and relations to Vote
it is our one "sacred duty" 
in our Democracy

Let's care enough for our Democratic
experiment to save it
Biden/Harris 2020
Blue up & down the Ticket
Blue Wave is required now

Maybe Darkest before the Dawn?

It's OK to Hope
to Dream
to Imagine a Better World

Who knows?!
Maybe right around the corner 

In the meantime 
Strength of Mind

Don't forget to Breathe!

The a.m. soundtrack - "Buena Vista Social Club" (1997) -  There's nothing better than listening to a bunch of amazing musicians, Cuban Socialists don't you know, doing their thing, playing pre-revolutionary Cuban music. Inspiring. Collaboration, cooperation, social activism, socialized medicine for all.  Viva la revolution!