Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Creating, Dreaming, Breathing...

A voice on the radio tells me this morning that the Pandemic has been with us for 6 months. We are taking it seriously over here. Hope you are too. It's a nasty, scary thing. Doing our best to avoid it. We are doing all the things they tell us to do. We have altered our life-styles fairly radically. But, you know, it is all in the service of maintaining a life. You need a life to maintain a lifestyle.

There are some upsides. More time. Time seems to stretch out. Less idle chatter. More focused attention. Stopping to smell the roses. Long, meandering bike rides. Good, home-cooked meals. Once in awhile a pizza party. Music, lots of music (see previous post). Creating. Dreaming. Breathing.

Thinking of better days. But doing our best to enjoy the ones we have too.