Sunday, August 16, 2020


 I woke up early. Ok. It was more than early. It was still pitch-dark out there. I woke with a thought about "rituals." Thinking we need rituals.

I thought of my early church days, as a child, in catholic school. There was that amazing ritual of the communion host and the golden cup of wine. Somehow it was transformed before our eyes by the priest into the body and the blood.

I didn't totally buy it, but I did marvel at the theatrics. Add in that stinky incense the priest would spread around the place, and all your senses were captivated.

Now it's much more, simple, basic, maybe mundane, but still powerful rituals.

Of course the pot of coffee in the morning. Essential. Drink it down in big gulps listening to the radio, or reading the New Yorker, or playing CDs on the BOSE, or working on new tracks.

The daily shower. Cleanse yourself Pilgrim.

Daily meal. One meal a day. That works best for me. A varied diet. Vegetarian. No meat. Do not eat dead animals. Why take death into your body? Nonsensical. Barbaric.

A long bike ride. This is new for our pandemic summer 2020. We always ride. Every day. It's essential. Clears the head. Gets the blood pumping. Even if you are tired, it's worth it. Don't hesitate. Get on that bike!

Meditation. Deep contemplation. Short or long session, doesn't matter. Sit and breathe. Clear your head. Connect to the Universe. It's not hard.

Daily Kombucha. Yes. This is also new for our pandemic summer. Freshly-brewed, on-tap at our local micro-brewery. Zingy, zesty, refreshing. Takes the edge off. Good for your biome. No doubt.

Stream Netflix or Prime. Lately we are into Super-heroes. "The Umbrella Academy." Funny. Light. Engaging. Smart. A primary diversion. Necessary in these crazy times. Go to another time and place, with other problems. Problems that aren't really your problems.

Read a book in bed. Yes. Every night. I can blast thru books at an alarming rate. Lately reading about RZA and the Wu-Tang Clan. Funny. I'm not really into the music (I do love the "Ghost Dog" soundtrack), but RZA is interesting, enlightening, and, from another world. Engaging read. Lots of wisdom in the pages.

Sleep. Try. I mean, don't try. Just do it.