Thursday, August 20, 2020

A Better American Dream...

Black & White.

Maybe it really is that simple. A country birthed and built on the blood, sweat, tears and the untimely deaths wreaked by Slavery & Genocide. Yes. USA. That is our heritage. 

It seems like ancient history, but it's not. You can see the scars, the pain, the aftermath, the result in the streets across the land and in the faces and hearts of the people from all walks of life.

Some of us hope and strive for a "better union," a new day, a more equal America. Surprisingly, some of us just don't. 

I truly believe many of those in the GOP are the "basket of deplorables." They are the folks who just don't care. They don't like Black people. They don't like immigrants. They don't like Liberals. They don't want to care. They have no heart or empathy. And they just don't want to feel guilty about it either. They are also enemies of Democracy. They don't want folks to vote, because they are out-numbered.

And their not-caring, their blind hatred has led to deep bat-shit craziness. They are truly lost. They are unreachable. They are terrible people. They really, truly are. Haters. Racists. Folks who just refuse to care about themselves or others.

I mean, I suppose it's our duty to say, "Hey, if you'd drop the hate, you'd be welcome too." But it seems this is a deep unbridgeable divide.  LBJ famously said that when he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1965 that the Democrats would lose the South for generation. Maybe longer than that. It's true. That was when the GOP became the home of racists and they are welcome there today. 

We are still living in this deep divide. Last night Barack Obama gave a speech. It truly says everything that needs to be said. Do yourself a favor and watch it. Wake Up America. I mean WTF. Vote Biden/Harris 2020. We must reclaim our hearts and souls and a better American Dream.