Also, listening to the radio this A.M. I think it is safe to say that the air is a toxic combination of "Stupidity," "Racism," "Human Fallibility" and a "Decided, Determined, Block-Headed, Ineptness."
Human Beings are polluting the air with all their garbage and flaws. I am not feeling good about my fellow Humans this morning.
The a.m. soundtrack - Stevie Wonder's "Journey thru the Secret Life of Plants." (1979). A soundtrack album to a documentary. Everything Stevie Wonder does is worthy of a listen. I snagged this one fairly recently, I have only listened a few times. Not what I expected. It's pretty damn cool. Opens the door to another world. Mostly instrumental, but some singing too. One of the first all-digital recordings. Sounds pretty amazing. It's goofy and weird. "Wonder remarked in 2004 that the album "was an experimental project with me scoring and doing other things I like: challenging myself with all the things that entered my mind from the Venus's Flytrap to Earth's creation to coming back as a flower." Yes. Coming back as a flower would probably be an upgrade, even for one of our finest Humans. Wonder.