Thursday, June 11, 2020

New Rules/New Habits...

Yes. The Pandemic has changed us. No doubt. Vox tells us there are 8 new habits we should all keep post-lockdown....

Check it out. Pretty good list. Let me paraphrase:

Less shopping! 
Stop and smell the roses! 
Family & Friends!
Stay Connected - BLUE WAVE!
Your body is your Temple!
Vegetarianism, Cooking, Gardening!
Visit Nature!
Work from Home as much as possible!

Let me add:

Impromptu Pizza Party anytime! Vegetarian Pizza, of course. Any day of the week is OK for a Pizza Party! Long bike rides or walks on the lakefront every day!

Music. Music. Music. Listen to, play, compose, record music as often as possible! 
Sleep. Dream. Yes. Dream of better days.

It's almost like a you can have a good time. Like the best time ever. Except, of course, for the deadly, nasty, global pandemic, looming over us all, floating in the air, the sickness and death, the social chaos, the social injustice, the toxic clown President, the feeling that everything is disintegrating, that the world as we know it is collapsing all around us.

Otherwise. Everything is fine!

The a.m soundtrack - Buffalo Springfield's "Selections from Buffalo Springfield Box Set" (CD #4) (2001). - The greatest B.S. record that never was. From the album copy: "...a bonus 4th disc with their first two albums... mono & stereo, newly remastered." Disc 4 is pretty much amazing track to track. Opens with the anthem "For What It's Worth." Yes. The remastering is amazing. I don't know where I got this one. It is stamped: "Not for Sale, for Promotional Use Only."  A great rare find.  A blast of 60's protest & optimism from one of the great, legendary, lost-cause bands. Three great singer-songwriters. They pretty much self-destructed in a haze of egos, drug busts, bad blood, competition, poor management, bad luck, bad vibes. The band told Neil Young he couldn't really sing. Stills and Young were seemingly always engaged in a power/ego battle. Neil famously hated the mixes and recording methods of these records. Still some great tracks: "Broken Arrow," "Bluebird" "Burned," "Down to the Wire," "Flying on the Ground is Wrong." Amazing stuff.