Saturday, June 06, 2020

Make Love, Not War...

The protestors came out to protest police brutality, to protest the horrifying, the often-occurring,  phenomena: U.S. Cops killing unarmed folks of color.

How did the U.S. Cops handle the protests? With more brutality. They are on viral videos all over the internet beating protesters, some white, some black, all unarmed.

Yikes. Maybe there really is a systemic problem here? As they say, we need Guardians, not Warriors.

Peaceful, Non-Violent Protest. That is the greatest weapon the U.S. citizenry can bring to the conversation. I think of Gandhi, MLK Jr. Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks. I mean I understand the frustration, the rage. Still, it's must be channeled into positive, constructive action. Organize, march, speak out.

Make Love, Not War. Really, I mean, I know it all sounds, cliche, too easy, a bit hippy-dippy. But you must ask yourself: "What's So Funny About Peace, Love & Understanding?"

It is a dead-end to match violence with violence, bullets with bullets, beatings with beatings, death with death. No way forward. Peace, Love, Grace, Protest, Organize, Vote, Unite. Make a stand for Truth, Justice, Equality, Fraternity.

The a.m. soundtrack - Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get it On."  (1973). Sexy. Chill. Good vibes. Slinky grooves. Pure, graceful soul & funk. Marvin's voice is an uncommon thing of beauty & grace. Yes. Gorgeous. Love truly is the answer. Making love too. Let's get it on...