Sunday, May 10, 2020

Caught in Between.

Utopia --   "a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions, an impractical scheme for social improvement, an imaginary and indefinitely remote place."

Dystopia -- " an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives."

Caught between unreal dreams of Utopia and the very realness of Dystopia.

It's easier to break things than to fix them. It's easier to destroy than create. It's easier to stoke the fear, harder to stoke Hope.

Is Love stronger than Hate? I don't know. Unfortunately, maybe it's a draw?

I lean to the light. Every damn day. But man, it's been a hard year so far. I fall back on the cliches. The cliches that can "save" a life: ONE DAY AT A TIME, FAKE IT TO MAKE IT...

Take your hands off the wheel, you aren't driving the car anyway...

The a.m. soundtrack - Os Mutantes' "Everything is Possible."  (1999). Crazy fun. A blast of Brazilian psychedelia. A compilation: The best of Os Mutantes. Kick down the doors, open your head. This is a kick in the pants. Enthusiastic. Trippy. Cool. You put this one on and you think: "Yes, it's true, anything is possible!"