Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Times are Biblical.

Is a rain of frogs next?

Yesterday it was sunny & in the 70's here. Uncommonly nice. Lots of folks out and about, we took two longs walks. We wore bandanas around our faces and social-distanced.

Every one here in our blue bubble seemed cooperative and responsible.

Later in the evening, the sky darkened and there was a thunder and lightening show. Hail started falling, whacking cars in the streets and knocking against our windows. It was so strange and surreal.

Reports of death, near and far. This Covid-19 virus is everywhere, bringing illness and death to humans all over the planet. It's scary & sad, and tragic too.

It's also maddening & infuriating. The experts tell us all of this could have been handled so much better. We knew something like this was coming. WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN PREPARED! 

The President lies, denies, and points a fat, toxic finger of blame at others. Seems a sociopathic narcissist is not equipped to be competent and responsible. Who knew?!

Times are Biblical.  What next?!

The a.m. soundtrack - Karen O and Danger Mouse's collaborative album "Lux Prima." (2019). The opening track is moody, shimmering, beautiful. Synthetic. Probably the best track on the record. Lately I have been obsessed with playing a mini-moog synth, so some of those Danger Mouse laptop vibes connect with me. The album is lush, moody, a bit experimental. A bit of an acquired taste. Repeat listens help. A record that grows on you.