Saturday, April 11, 2020

I Used to be a Mystical Beast Too...

I dreamed of that nasty, deadly pathogen, Covid-19 last night. I mean, what else would I dream about?

I woke up this morning and read an article in the New Yorker about the lockdown in Wuhan Province in China, and another article about the lockdown in New York, NY too.  I mean, what else would I read about?

I am thinking about, worrying about, trying not to think about Covid-19 right now as I write this blog post. Of course, what else would I be thinking about, worrying about, trying not to think about, and writing about in this blog, except Covid-19?

I didn't turn the radio on this morning. I dreaded hearing about Covid-19 and all the human wreckage across the planet over the radio-waves. I mean, what else, besides Covid-19 am I trying to ignore?

Did you know that parents in China call their kids "shen-shou" a word that roughly means, "Mystical Beasts."  Parents in China are wondering when they can send the Mystical Beasts back to their cages. "The cages are the school."

Funny. Yes. I used to be a Mystical Beast too...

The a.m. soundtrack - The Kinks' "Muswell Hillbillies."  (1971). One of the great Kinks records. This troubled, edgy, often squabbling band sounds like they are having fun. I just snagged a used CD copy of the album, I used to own the vinyl, but it got washed away in a flood long ago. Haven't listened to this one in a while. The Kinks at their musical best. Smart, catchy songs. Uncommonly intelligent. Great r&r and musical hall, and funny and insightful too. Couldn't wait to put it on the BOSE music system this morning. It filled the kitchen up with just the finest sound. Love, love, love this record. Makes me smile, and I can even forget about the virus for a bit. I always thrill at the build of the first track, "20th Century Man," it starts with an acoustic guitar, then builds, and builds, so fricking exciting and great. Every song hits the bullseye. A mystical beast of a record...