Friday, April 03, 2020

Adaptation, Evolution, Improvisation...

I am fond of saying: "You Must Believe."

It is sort of my code. It helps to believe in something. Not sure what you should believe in, although something amorphous and nebulous is probably best. For instance, believing in a Better Day, or in Love, or Art, or Creativity seem like solid choices.

You must be ready to change your mind. Drop any preconceptions at the drop of a hat. You must be smart, and pragmatic. It's best to try to see & think clearly, day by day.

Too much Religion can kill you.
Too much Ideology can kill you.
Too much Reality can kill you.

You don't want to die for an idea. You don't want to be stupid. Let reality be your guide. Probably best to think of yourself sort of like a Private Investigator, or a Scientist. What are the facts? What's happening? What does the data tell us?

Best to think of life as a long-form improvisation. Improvise. And always be moving, open, and willing to change direction.

Adaptation, Evolution, Improvisation.

The a.m soundtrack - Crumb - (The Soundtrack) 1995. A collection of of music from the documentary film about the great cartoonist R. Crumb. Classic old ragtime and blues. Lost. Obscure. An obscurity from an obscurity. Classic early American music, laid down on old 78 rpm.  Lost classics, revitalized. Breath of fresh air this a.m.