Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What Have We Learned?

What have we learned, so far?

There are things we don't know, and can't see, that can gravely harm us.

Cleanliness really is next to Godliness.

Good Luck & Bad Luck, Fortune & Fate are all real, and are determinative in our lives.

Probabilities rule.

Biology & Death are great levelers.

We are all fragile, delicate beings.

We really are all in this together (although lots of folks will never be convinced).

Math & Scientific Modeling are informative & instructive, but those numbers & graphs = Human Lives.

Be smart, be aware, be awake, take care, carry yourself lightly & with grace. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Take your vitamins. Stay positive. What else can we do?

The a.m. soundtrack - Jimi Hendrix Experience - "Axis: Bold as Love."  (1967). A gorgeous record from a true "boundary-crosser." A guitar Magus. No one comes close. A musician and human being unlike anyone else. The Experience: a blast of magic, love and supremely beautiful vibes. The Experience blew the doors off the scene in late 60's London. An amazingly soulful trippy, band. LSD-infused. Dazzling. Jimi plays like no other human on the planet. Otherworldly. Steeped in blues, r&b, rock, soul, jazzy touches. Everything done with maximum creativity, love and power. Mitch Mitchell is one of our greatest drummers, Noel Redding has some beautiful bass-lines through out the record. I am in love with Hendrix as a vocalist and songwriter. This record has so many standout tracks: Little Wing (dazzling and gorgeous, it always takes my breath away), Spanish Castle Magic, If Six was Nine, ("I'm the one who has to die, when it's my time to die..."), Bold as Love... incredible... a promise of another land, another way of being, this record always transports me... magic...