Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Responsibility of Being Responsible.

"I don't take any responsibility at all."

Remember those words. They define a Presidency. Tattoo that on his forehead, chisel it into his future tombstone.

Hah. That's our Toxic Clown President, doing what he does best, doing his best to avoid any responsibility for anything. It's been a life-long quest with him. A long record of failure, stupidity, bluffing, huffing & puffing, lies, cons, predatory exploitation.  This man has an incredibly damaging personality flaw. He is probably the last man on the planet you'd want to be managing a crisis, any freaking crisis.

I actually listened to his whole "national emergency" press conference yesterday afternoon. I was laying on the kitchen floor. The cool floor tiles keeping me conscious. Listening to the Toxic Clown's words was worse than plunging an ice-pick into my forehead. Why did I listen? Maybe I am a bit masochistic. I think I am gonna blame it on the my Catholic upbringing. I think of punishment, guilt, shame, sin. I think of our shared Humanity, and our responsibility to all living things.

I wanted to directly experience the deep dysfunction and the mental anguish our Fear-inducing leader inflicts on the nation on a daily basis. We are truly being ruled/guided by Toxic Idiots. I wonder how that all works out?! Living with the Plague. I think of that Existentialist idea - we are all responsible, for everything, every little and big thing. The things we can control, and those we can't. Always, forever, responsible.

I finally did have to laugh.  Gallows humor. All the lackeys and minions who surrounded the Toxic Clown President slavishly lavished him with creepy, over the top praise and gaudy words.  You couldn't write that shit down with a straight face.

We are on our own.  Best to lay low. Wash your hands. Social distance. Dream of better days. That's pretty much what all the experts recommend. We have to take responsibility of being responsible.

The a.m. soundtrack - Spiritualized's "Pure Phase." (1995). What a great band name. This record was a bargain bin find. $2.99 used CD at Reckless Records. It's noisy, cacophonous. Builds to crazy-ass crescendos through-out. Melodious too. There is noise and beauty. Rides easily on the sound-system. It kind of hovers, and hangs and peters out and fades away at the end. You kind of hope that is what happens to Covid-19. Not counting on it...