Monday, March 16, 2020

The Process of Stripping Down...

The process of stripping down...

Living in the shadow of coronavirus. What's important?

Stay healthy.
Stay home.
Eat well.
Sleep well.
Keep moving.
Listen to music.
Make music.
Keep clean.
Wash hands, frequently.
Count your pennies.
Stay clued in.
Listen to NPR.
Stream Netflix & Prime.
Play guitar.
Write new songs.
Tell the people you Love, that you Love them.
Encourage everyone you know to keep safe.
Social Distance yourself.
Physical Distance yourself.
Stock up on essential supplies.
Don't forget Coffee beans.
Take long walks to the lakefront.
Stay away from other people.
No hand-shaking, kissing, hugging.
Lots of bowing: "Namaste... I bow to the Divine in You."
Meditate. Religiously.

The a.m. soundtrack - John Cale's "Eat/Kiss - Music for the Films of Andy Warhol"  (1997). Moody. Fascinating. John Cale truly stretches out, shows his incredible range as a composer. Cale plays keyboards, he conducts a string quartet. There are voices, creating moods, colors, textures. Music for those intimate moments. Cale at his creative best, background music, stands up. Dark. Exotic. Evocative. Cool.