Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Social Distancing is the Order of the Day!

We are taking shelter at home. Social Distancing is the order of the day. The highlight of every day is pretty simple: socially distant walks on the lakefront. It is always invigorating to walk to the lake and watch the waves crashing in. Every day the lake looks different. Sometimes smooth as glass, sometimes a churning, raging beast. And everything in between.

Turns out Spring is happening all around us. Green shoots coming up thru black dirt, buds on the trees, birds busy doing their busy birdy things. Each day, so far, we have spent time basking in the healing rays of the sun.

Everything seems normal out in nature. Still, we know the virus is out there. Most folks around here are doing an excellent job of distancing themselves. Lots of knowing glances and nods of the head from folks passing from a distance. Everyone is being serious and responsible.

At home it's all about music. Playing music in the kitchen, two voices, an acoustic guitar, various shakers and bells. Playing old songs, and new songs. It's been super-gratifying.

We also of course are playing all kinds of CDs on the BOSE Music System. Positive Vibes flowing thru the air.

We do tune into the radio once in awhile to catch the latest news. We have been listening to our Governor give his daily Coronavirus Update. We voted for Pritzker. He seemed much better than the alternative, but frankly we didn't have high hopes for him and his term in office.

We have been surprised at how good Pritzker has been thru this crisis. He seems in command of the situation, listening to the experts & scientists. He is not making crazy promises. He is taking responsibility, he has marshaled forces to try to tackle the problem. He comes across as a common sense problem solver. He has been a reassuring voice. Surprising. Who knew he would rise to the occasion? Who knew someone in power would show compassion and care? Pritzker: "You should not have to choose between your life and your livelihood." Makes sense. Life comes first.

The a.m. soundtrack - The Zombies' "Odessey & Oracle."  (1968). Recorded at Abbey Road and Olympic studios in 1967. Exuberant, British Psychedelia. A joyful blast of catchy, perfectly-realized Pop. Gorgeous harmonies. Fabulous musicianship. It stands up to anything else from that era. The band dissolved when the record was released and the first two singles sunk without a trace. "To this day it remains a word-of-mouth obscurity." Later  the single "Time of the Season" became a major hit. Still this record is much more than one single. Sounds so fresh. A breath of fresh air. A major work that can go toe to toe with albums from The Beatles and Pink Floyd released around the same time. Zombies Live! Really. No kidding!