Thursday, March 19, 2020


The global pandemic. It dominates the news. It is everywhere. Reports this morning tell us that Covid-19 is in our town, it's in D.C., it's in every state of the Union. It is already in a theater near you.

It is definitely a blockbuster. An unwelcome blockbuster.  Yesterday afternoon we listened to a Global Pandemic Expert. She was totally pissed off, and alarmed, and alarming. I won't repeat her dire warnings, but let's just say they were extremely, extremely dire. I am not one for panicking, but a little flame of panic rose up in my being.

I think the source of her "pissed-off-ness" is that we all should have been much better prepared for this inevitable event. The experts have known that a global pandemic like this was coming for a long time and we could have, no, scratch that, we should have been well-prepared for it.

We aren't. And our Toxic Clown President has been pretty clueless and toxic throughout the unfolding crisis. Every time he opens his mouth more stupidity and disinformation pours out. You couldn't have picked a worse, less qualified, supremely incapable person to be at the head of our government. Yikes. We have a crisis of leadership too.

This morning, what do do? Trying to "act normal." Find a level of normalcy. What is normal? It's pretty much an illusion, a bubble, but we are doing our best not to panic, not to go too dark, not to be too discouraged.

We hear on the radio that tonight the Spring Equinox will arrive! Spring is coming! There will be new roots, new flowers, new life. Birds, bees, buds on the trees. Remember to smile, to laugh, to dream.

The morning soundtrack - The Kink's "The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society" (1968). So British. Ray Davies at his best. Ray called it "the most successful ever flop." It is a magnificent flop.  A brilliant record: "I miss the village green, and all the simple people" - Ray Davies. Yes, a look back to simpler, greener times. Trying to hold onto a grace, intelligence, innocence. Maybe it's only alive in our hearts and heads. That will have to do. This one makes me smile every time I spin it on the box.