Sunday, March 22, 2020

Muddle Thru...

Maybe I got carried away (see previous post) yesterday? Blame it on a good night's sleep and a potent coffee brew. I look back at yesterday's manically optimistic post, and I think to myself, "What bubble do you live in, Dude? Pull your horns in, Man!"

I am thick in the middle of the dichotomy (dumps vs. sunny) of being me.  This morning, thoughts of "revolution" and instant "change of consciousness," seem like big, gaudy words and ill-conceived concepts from a distant land. What the hell was I thinking?

This morning I am feeling much more humble and tentative. Maybe, just maybe, we can muddle through the plague!?

Maybe. I mean, I hope.

Maybe we can all make it without devolving into some savage & dark Road Warrior Apocalyptic Existence? I've seen all the movies, and read all the books too. I know all about dire straits, doomsday scenarios and dark avenues.

I have no great insights. I am just trying to keep my head up, keep myself occupied, trying not to panic, trying to follow the thread of the story, and carry some little hope in my heart that we can somehow keep going. Muddle through.

Maybe people will pull together? Maybe we will do the right thing? Maybe we can be all civil with each other? We are all going to have show a bit of discipline. A determined "stick-to-it-tive-ness."

Try to stay healthy. Try to keep our heads. Try to dream of better days. I mean, try our best to Muddle Thru as best we can.

The a.m. soundtrack - The Ronettes' - "The Best of the Ronettes - Original Phil Spector Hits."  (1957-1968). Fabulous girl group. Elaborate, "wall of sound" productions. The echo chamber sound, unlike anything else. High-Art doled out in catchy 3 minute pop songs. Yes. Phil Spector, the madman at the controls. Spector is now a totally disgraced figure. A wreck of a human being. What to say? Spector did know how to make great records. His work with the Ronettes, John Lennon & George Harrison was fabulous, the work stands up and speaks for itself. As for the man? Yikes. Off the rails. So there's that human dichotomy again. The dark and the light. The destroyer/creator.  All in one elaborate fright-wig package.