Thursday, March 12, 2020

Less. I guess.

So it looks like the "Looming" Global Pandemic is no longer looming, it is, in fact, here.

Don't listen to our Toxic Clown President. He just seems be making it all worse. Best to tune that idiot out!

What is a humble pilgrim supposed to do?

Less. I guess. Wash your hands. Social distance yourself. The dominoes are falling, the world is spinning, markets are crashing, folks are canceling plans.

I am (to quote Dylan), "Praying the pieces don't fall on me."

I am still reading William Gibson's "All Tomorrow's Parties."  It does seem so smart, almost clairvoyant, (it was written before 9/11),  it's all about some unnamed change, some cataclysmic event, a grand turning where the old world dies and something new arrives.  I wonder...

Some of the lines from the book seem to come at me as precise, personal messages. I take them out of the context of the book, and place them squarely in the context of my present existence.  For instance:

"Don't anticipate outcome... Await the unfolding of events. Remain in the moment."

Right. Roger that.

The a.m. soundtrack - Sigur Ros' "Takk..." (2005). A gift. This one came to me as a gift from an amazing meditation teacher. She is an extraordinary woman, a visual artist, a vibrant soul. She knew I was a great fan of the band, and one day, out of the blue, she gifted me with this record. It starts with a hush and builds to a massive crescendo. A very dynamic record from hush to crash. Another great record where the vocals are in a foreign language. It is the language of vibe, of music, of ethereal sound. The music washes over you. You don't need to figure it out, you just let it engulf you. You live inside these vibrations. It's like finding a secret garden, a sanctuary of vibes.