Thursday, February 27, 2020

Toxic Clown in Chief vs. Covid-19.

 Yes, I have been tracking with the looming global pandemic, Covid-19 a virus, think of it as a nasty agent of change. It also sort of seems like a symbol, a metaphor, hints at problems in the human herd.

A sickness running thru our intimately-connected, always on, over-stuffed, over-staffed, global population. How to contain, what can't be contained? There are so many of us. We are all so very intimately connected.

What are the links between us? How do we pass on information & disease? Are there invisible connections, invisible links? Who is safe? Who is untouchable?

When this U.S. President tells us that everything is under control, and there's nothing to worry about, well, of course, we are most likely on the precipice of a disaster of epic proportions, I mean, not to be an alarmist, but since it's the Liar in Chief, the Toxic Clown who is telling us "no worries," you can count on all hell breaking loose. When he announces that he has put his trusted, science-denying VP in charge of dealing with a pandemic, try not to laugh out-loud. On second thought, yes, laugh, let it out, laugh all you want. Ayatollah Pence is now in charge? Yikes, I mean, the mind reels.

This is all starting to look like a badly-made, poorly-thought out, sci-fi, horror-show.

What happens when the Idiots, the Liars control the levers of government? I suppose we will find out. And yes, the President is a toxic, deadly disease too. He is a human virus that has infected us all. It would be a perfect climax to the story if Covid-19 and the Toxic Clown could meet under the cover of night and fight it out. Toxic Clown vs. Covid-19. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on Covid-19.

What to do dear Pilgrim? "See and wait." Wash your hands. Frequently. A global pandemic is coming to a theater near you.

The a.m. soundtrack - Iggy Pop's "The Idiot."  (1977). A dark beast of a record. A collaboration with David Bowie. Iggy & Bowie in Germany. This one was recorded in Munich. Art-rock. Dark. Moody. Bowie pretty much recruited the band, wrote the music, recorded it quickly in a session or two, and then Iggy kind of vamped & improvised lyrics. It kicked off a very fruitful period for both Iggy and Bowie. I woke up with Iggy's disembodied, zombified voice this morning. "Calling Sister Midnight." Iggy was calling me in the dark of night. I had to put it on the box this morning. Ominous...