Sunday, February 23, 2020

Soundtrack for a Life.

We need space. To breathe. To think. To reflect. To contemplate. To meditate.

So we create space for ourselves.

But the Universe works in funny ways. Create a space and everyone and everything will come crowding in. Crashing your little party of space. It's just the way it works.

So it's a constant battle. Create the space. And then spend time fending off the invaders of that space.

It's a way of expending your time. It's necessary. You need space. You really do.

The a.m. soundtrack - Nick Cave & Warren Ellis' "White Lunar." (2009) - compilation composed with Ellis[91] (2CDs. Disc one contains high lights from The Proposition, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and The Road. Disc 2 contains work from The English Surgeon and The Girls of Phnom Penh, as well as four unreleased pieces "from the archives." Yes, listening to disc one now. A perfect soundtrack for a human being creating space. Cave and Ellis are an amazing musical combo. A great collaboration between musical co-conspirators. So much inspiring, powerful music spread across many projects (Bad Seeds & Grinderman) and albums. This one is a moody, reflective, soundtrack for a life.