Monday, January 13, 2020

Old Testament Judgement.

People just love to lay that Old Cosmic, Old Testament "Judgement" on you. They love to hit you right in the head with it like a ton of bricks. They do it so casually, so easily, so quickly and even friendly-like. That's the worst. Someone close, someone who knows you well, someone who "cares," just uncoils on you and let's go with the Doom-Voice of the Lord.

It can also come with a handshake or a hug. And a razor-sharp shiv to the belly.

But remember. It's all speculative. All theory. All opinion. Maybe delivered with authority. Maybe sounds like the undeniable truth.  But, it's not.

It's funny. You see it coming. You wince a bit, but really, these words of judgement are just words. They can roll right off your back. You can just see it's just someone else's idea. Someone else's fear, bias, prejudice. You don't have to own it. You don't have to honor it. You don't have to accept it.

You really don't. Judgement, it's not all it's cracked up to be.