Thursday, January 30, 2020

American Fascist!

Impeachment Q&A. Ok. I am a nerd. No doubt. I am a long-time political nerd. I actually enjoyed listening to the Q&A in the Senate yesterday. 93 questions were asked by Senators (both Republican & Democrat), read by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, submitted to the House Impeachment Managers and the White House Defense Team. I didn't listen to the whole thing, I caught it intermittently, throughout the day and early evening.

It is a heavy-duty thing. We are watching our Constitutional Democracy in action.

I think there are some real heroes and villains in this saga. Adam Schiff House Manager from California has emerged as an American hero. A brilliant mind. He knows his subject, and all it's details, intimately. He argues his case with a grace, an ease and authority. Once in awhile there's also a flash of emotion and humor. I didn't realize how capable the man was, very, very impressive.

Actually the House Managers are all quite good. I especially enjoyed listening to Jason Crow, Zoe Lofgren, Val Demings and Hakeem Jefferies. I am not a fan of Jerry Nadler. It's not so much his arguments, he is right on the facts, it's really his presentation. He's comes across a bit hostile, testy, heavy-handed. Not sure he is very effective, especially if he wants to win the other side over.

The other side? The White House Defense Team? Yikes. They do have an impossible hand. I mean, it's a real shit-sandwich. They are defending the indefensible. Their lead "constitutional expert" is actually a criminal defense lawyer, Alan Dershowitz. He makes his living defending folks who are clearly guilty. He has represented some real monsters. That is how he has made his reputation. He made some ridiculous and bizarre arguments. Arguments that defy common-sense. I mean laugh-out-loud stupid. He is smooth, sounds coherent, but the shit coming from his mouth is pure gobbley-gook.

The rest of the team? Their voices do make my skin crawl. They sound so sensible, so reasonable. Until you parse what they are saying. Pretty much their arguments can be summed as: Our President, can do no wrong. He is Above the Law. He is a grade-A genuine, American Monarch.

Yes. It's true, this is Fascism. Dressed up in sweet words, and bespoke suits. Plain and simple. Scary.

My favorite moment yesterday? Bernie Sanders question. It was brilliant to make Chief Justice Roberts read these words out-loud to 100 Senators, and the wider world: "Given the media has documented President Donald Trump's thousands of lies while in office, more than 16,200 as of January 20th, why should we be expected to believe that anything president Trump says has credibility?"

Ha, ha, ha. That was a good one.

What's the a.m. soundtrack? It's Billy Bragg and Wilco's "Mermaid Avenue." (1998) Woody Guthrie's (a great American Hero), lyrics - forgotten, left for dead in old, dusty notebooks, newly excavated lyrics, brought to life and married to new music and arrangements. Wilco at their loosest, sloppiest, best. Effortless. Sounds like Jeff Tweedy and company are having an absolute r&r blast. An American party. I do think Jeff was liberated by working with Woody's words. It got him out of his own head. Billy Bragg is great too. Natalie Merchant also makes a beautiful, inspiring appearance too. So many great tracks: California Stars, One by One, Ingrid Bergman, and the morning-appropriate: Christ for President! A must-own record.