Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Militantly Nonjudgemental!

Lately I have been trying to be intentionally, actively, militantly nonjudgemental. You know, I do my best to drop the judgement, and try to experience my life, moment to moment. Give the moments of my life the ability to breathe, to happen freely; I try to be alive, aware, awake, to be present, fully, to let life happen, to let the moments of my life, flow, like a river. I try to reserve judgement for later.

I wonder if we could be totally clear, transparent, yes, like water; alive, with no preconceptions, no prejudices, no worries about good or bad. No division. Pure experience. Pure moment. Pure seeing. Maybe it opens us to danger, to being hurt, to being disappointed, but maybe it's worth the risk? I don't know, but it's a little experiment, a little game I have been playing lately.