Thursday, September 26, 2019

Impeachment & Prison!

Wow. Didn't see that coming. Our current President got help from Russia in the 2016 election, and now, he is embroiled in a scandal where he was trying to enlist help from Ukraine in the 2020 election. Seems he just doesn't believe he can win an election fair and square.

Also, freaky wild, our current President wanted to run a disinformation campaign to blame Ukraine for election rigging in 2016 and take blame off of Russia. Why would our President want to help Russia declare innocence?

And he wanted to concoct an elaborate conspiracy implicating Joe Biden, the DNC and Ukraine. Insane. Crazy. So damn corrupt.

Funny our President is so damn corrupt, he just can't stop committing crimes against his own country. There are remedies for that kind of thing. Impeachment and Prison!