Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It Just Is. A Life.

Yeah. Hope is still the by-word around here. We are always onto the next thing, which focuses the mind, the arrows are always pointing forward, I mean, once in awhile we look back, but that is not the default mode. Backward-looking, backward-thinking, seems detrimental to a healthy mind. Can't change the past, what's the point of clinging to the past? 

Thinking about the next thing. Living in the moment. The present. This moment. That is where the light resides. In the moment, in the doing, in the light of this day. Where do we go from here? Don't really know. There is a mystery to our lives. We are always bounded by the mystery. Where did we come from, where are we going, what's it all about?

We know the questions well. The answers? Well, no, not really, we aren't good with answers. No closer to the answers. Maybe we live the answers? Without the knowing. There is just the doing, the being, the living. That's all we get. I sure do hope things work out for all concerned.

We are alive in this amazing Universe. It's all a wonder. Surprisingly, we actually have a place in this grand thing. Not sure what that place is, don't know if it has a greater meaning or resonance. It just is. A life.