Tuesday, July 02, 2019

No One is in Charge...

"No one is in charge."

That's the truth they don't want you to know. Some preach about a Big Daddy sitting on a throne in the clouds. Big Daddy looking over your shoulder, rooting for you, rooting you on, caring about every little thing you do. Some point to powerful, rich men, pulling invisible strings. Some talk about cosmic forces, demons, spirits, little people.We like to hear stories about grand trajectories of history: inevitable movements, breakthroughs, evolutionary imperatives. We like to think about the power and granduer, we dream of being swept along, swept away, by forces bigger than us. We like to think about how it's all being worked out in some grand symphony of meaning and purpose.

"No on is in charge."

Does that thought wake you up in the middle of the night? Do you feel a twinge of panic rising in your chest?

"No one is in charge." That's the truth they don't want you to know.