Thursday, July 04, 2019


The mystery of life.
The mystery of death.
The mystery of the moment.

Right. We are stuck in the middle of mysteries. We just live with them. We need to get our heads around the mysterious realities of our very human situation. It seems like a life-time thing.

We just found out someone we know died in her sleep yesterday. So shocking, devastating, sad. Inexplicable. She was relatively young, under 50. We hadn't seen her in awhile, but when we did see her she was always vivacious, funny, lively.

We were aware that she had gone through some tough times. She lost her father a few years back, and that seemed to send her into a long & deep tail-spin, led to a lingering illness, the doctors were not helpful.

It's hard to reconcile, hard to process the news that she is gone. I mean, we have all lost folks close to us. The well of sadness is bottomless. The losses add up, the sadnesses multiply. That is what life is right? A multiplication of loss & sadness. But still...

We talk about heart, spirit, soul, energy, life, death. We don't know. Mysteries.