Sunday, June 30, 2019

It's Not All About Us!

Thinking about that "happiness equation," (see previous post), I get the idea that we should keep expectations low, best to meet the day half-way, don't judge too harshly, be open, accepting, be sure to protect ourselves, but at the same time be willing to risk a bit too. I think it's okay to dream big dreams, it's okay to have wild imaginings, it's okay to entertain ourselves in our heads.

Keep things simple & true in the "real world." Keep our egos in check. Realize it's not all about us, we are just here for the ride. Life can be complicated, but we don't need to be complicated. We can't transform the world, but we can transform ourselves. Can we work on ourselves without being self-absorbed? I think our best tools: sense of humor, humility, silence, meditation, contemplation. We need a bit of courage to hope for a better day, but the day we have is the one we have, and that's got to be enough.