Saturday, June 22, 2019

Every Day Is A Battle!

Every day is a battle.

Bodies vs. Anti-bodies. Positive thoughts vs. Negative thoughts. Optimism vs.  Pessimism. Belief vs. Unbelief. Good vs. Bad. Gods vs. Devils. Right vs. Wrong. Right vs. Left. Reasons to be Cheerful vs. Reasons to be Bummed Out, Love vs. Hate, Peace vs. War.

Our bodies, our heads, our spirits are battlefields. The battle spills out across the canvas of our lives. Cooler Heads tell us to chill out, to stop with the game of duality, to do less judging, and more sitting in silence observing, but even sitting in silence is a choice in opposition to jumping deep into the fray.

Winning vs. Losing. Success Vs. Failure.

Whatever, right? We have a warring mind, a million thoughts crashing against each other.  So what? Notice the battle. Observe the grand spectacle of life, within and without.

Stillness vs. Action. Yep.